How to Reset Eufy Solocam S40: Quick & Simple Guide

How to Reset Eufy Solocam S4: Quick & Simple Guide

Owning a Eufy Solocam S40 brings you the security that comes with having a connected home security system. Nevertheless, there are occasions when you will need to reset your device to get it back to factory settings or troubleshoot problems. This comprehensive guide will show you how to do this quickly and simply.


Pre-Reset Checklist

Before you perform the reset, ensure the following:

  1. Your camera is fully charged or connected to a power source.
  2. You’ve backed up any necessary footage as the reset will erase all data on the device.
  3. You know the login credentials for your Eufy Security account as you’ll need them to reconnect the camera post-reset.

Step-by-Step Reset Instructions

Here’s a simplified procedure to reset your Eufy Solocam S40:

Step Action Detail
Step 1 Locate Reset Button Find the reset button on your camera. It’s usually located on the bottom side of the camera, hidden under a rubber cover to maintain weather resistance.
Step 2 Press and Hold Press and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds until you hear a beep sound, indicating that the camera is resetting.
Step 3 Wait for Reboot Wait for the camera to finish the reboot process. This can take up to a minute. The LED indicator should flash red during this time.
Step 4 Reconnect Camera Once the camera has reset, it must be reconnected to your Eufy Security app following the standard setup guide.

Troubleshooting Post-Reset Issues

If you encounter problems after the reset, consider the following:

  1. Ensure your Wi-Fi network is operational and the signal strength is sufficient.
  2. Double-check the Wi-Fi credentials you’ve entered in the Eufy Security app.
  3. Restart the app and attempt to connect the camera again.
  4. Contact Eufy customer support for further assistance if problems persist.


Resetting your Eufy Solocam S40 can resolve many common issues and is a simple process that can be done in minutes. Following these instructions, you will return your camera to its factory settings and reconnect it to your Eufy Security app in no time. Always remember to back up necessary data before a reset to avoid losing significant footage.


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